Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Ya'll Come Back Now, Ya'hear
Some of the highlights:
Eating boiled peanuts and watermelon on Honor's parents' dock and throwing the peanut shells into the water
Shelling on the beach at low tide
Sitting on a joggling bench with Grandpa
Going for oysters at Bowen's Island, a dive where they bring a pile of steamed oysters to the table; you shuck them yourself and throw the shells into a hole cut in the middle of the table
When Will declared, "I want to stay here forever!"
Wedding of the Year
I've known Honor since high school and even though I'm not one of those people who is especially good at keeping in touch, we have managed it somehow. It probably helps that our birthdays are exactly 1 week apart, so at least once a year we take time to catch up. (Thanks, Honor, for always turning 29 again a week before I do).
Our paths crossed again in Boston, where we both lived after college. That's where I met Ned. Even though I think Honor was a little in denial, it was clear that Ned had it bad for Honor. You could tell by the way he looked at her when he thought no one was watching. His eyes were so full of love and adoration. It was very sweet and romantic.
Then there was the year that my amazing she-woman friend ran the Boston Marathon. She called me and asked if I would jump in and run the last 6 miles of the race with her for moral support. I thought we had a good plan. I got all geared up, went early to a spot in front of the Dunkin' Donuts right after Heartbreak Hill, schmoozed the policeman who was posted there to make sure people didn't jump into the race, and waited.
And waited.
And somehow we missed each other. When I spoke to her later, she said that she got past the place we were supposed to meet, realized she had missed me, and burst into tears (oof- break my heart). Luckily, Ned just happened to be at a Marathon Party about a block down the course. He spotted Honor, jumped into the race (I have no idea what footwear he had on or how many drinks he had had), and saved the day knight-in-shining-armor style. I'm certainly not trying to take credit for them getting together, but when Honor called me a few years later and told me they decided to give their relationship a go, I turned to Rick and said, "I knew it!".
She picked fabulous colors for her wedding: Tiffany blue and espresso. I couldn't help but go into crafting overdrive.
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