Decmber 24th - Kertasnikir
Last but not least is Kertasnikir, or Candle Beggar. He's actually kind of sweet if you can overlook him pyromaniac tendencies. He likes candlelight so he hides in a corner and, when no one is watching, he takes a Christmas candle for himself.
That's all of the Yule lads. They hang around until Christmas Day when they start to go back to the mountains one be one. The last one leaves on January 6th and the Icelanders celebrate with big bonfires and fireworks. The Icelanders will use any excuse to shoot off fireworks- it's pretty spectacular.
Gledileg Jol, ya'll!
Hey chickie!
Any interest in the AAPD mtg in Hawaii...Jake and I are heading out May 21st I think and going to the meeting and then doing a cruise around Hawaii...a week I think....let me know!!!
Loved your christmas card and Will's pic! SO big!
Practice has kept us busy busy busy for the last 7 months....but it's going well!
Love you, miss you!
Me again, email
I've lost your email...
Ever hear from Kate?!!!
I can't believe you picked Bobby over me for Will's first checkup!
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