Saturday, January 31, 2009

Blogging aversion

Okay- so I took a little vacation from blogging. It was the funniest thing...

You might have noticed the new widget in the right column. We were excited to find out that Baby #2 is expected to arrive in early August! As part of that whole first trimester, fatigue, morning sickness, food aversion unpleasantness (which I don't remember being as bad the first time around- but maybe nobody remembers it or else everyone would be an only child), I would get nauseated if I spent any length of time sitting at the computer. This put a huge crimp in several of my favorite activities: internet shopping, browsing SplitCoastStampers for ideas, and BLOGGING.

I thought it might be the lighting in the room or the computer monitor bothering my eyes. I thought it might be that the desk chair was uncomfortable. I finally realized that it was a scented candle we had in the computer room. For whatever reason the smell of the candle really turned my stomach.

Rick being the ever dutiful and understanding husband removed the offending candle and... voila! I grabbed my credit card and headed to


Jen said...

YEAH! Congratulations! I'm glad you figured the candle thing out so that you can blog again. :) Hope to see you soon!

Mary said...

Congratulations! That is so exciting!

Kara and Jeremy said...

Holy Cannoli! Congratulations! So happy for your and Will and Rick! Yay!

Margo said...

That is wonderful. super news. We really missed you this month at card club. can't wait until next month. I will scan the place for scented candles for ya.