Sunday, September 25, 2011

My kind of town...

A couple of weeks ago I went to Chicago to deliver a talk at the Dental Anesthesia Board Review Course.
It was a pretty quick jaunt, and though I spent most of the trip with a whopper of a case of butterflies-in-the-stomach because of my impending talk, I did manage to carve out a little time for sightseeing and fun with the residents.I talked the residents into doing the O H I O thing in front of the Bean in Millennium Park.
They were rewarded by a group of cute little old ladies (apparently from Ohio) shouting, "O-H" and fawning over them.
Honestly, you can find Ohio State fans anywhere!

We also gawked for a while at Crown Fountain.
Neat, right?

The butterflies proved to be non-fatal. I survived my talk and got some really nice feedback. Chicago is so close- I'd like to go back with Rick and the boys and see the sights I missed on this trip. Put it on the list...


Mary said...

So cool! I love the OHIO pics you can find everywhere!

I've never been to Chicago and I can't wait to go!

Greg and Leah's Grandma Cathy said...

Hi Megan,
So glad your talk went well. I knew it would.