We left chilly Ohio in the wee morning hours.
Despite the excitement (and probably with the help of a little Benadryl) Soren slept through most of his first airplane ride.
We spent the afternoon settling in and exploring at the amazing Wilderness Lodge, then took Grandpa to the Whispering Canyon Restaurant for a birthday eve dinner. The theme of the restaurant is sort of a western cowboy camp; they serve meals in skillets and drinks in Mason jars, and though it's called 'Whispering Canyon', hollering is not only tolerated, it's encouraged.
The waiters holler at each other.
No one seemed to care that my kids were hollering.
And if you want ketchup, you holler for the last table that had it to bring it to you.
In what would become a recurring theme for the week, Will ran full blast all day and finally sputtered out at the dinner table.
The restaurant made my dad an awesome Mickey birthday cake. As you can see, Will was overcome by excitement.