Since Will was born on Christmas day, we frequently get friendly advice from well-meaning people who have that same birthday- or have a loved one who does- about how to minimize the extreme bummer of having your birthday in the midst of the Christmas extravaganza. I would like to go on record as saying that I personally think that Christmas is a lovely birthday. The whole world (the whole Christian world anyway) is festive and cozy and thinking happy thoughts of peace on earth and goodwill toward men. That being said, at some point someone did suggest celebrating his half-birthday. What a super fun idea! Not to mention a great excuse for putting up Christmas decorations and listening to Christmas music without other people becoming too suicidal.
So we had some friends over for the Third Annual Smiley Christmas in July.
We played a snowball toss game (actually marshmallows wrapped in plastic wrap).
We played Pin-the-Button-on-the-Snowman using a Santa hat for a blindfold.
The kids changed into swimsuits and ran through the octopus sprinkler...
It seemed as though everyone had a good time. Traditional Christmas in July fare was served: Santa's Favorite Chicken Nuggets, Elf Rolls, Reindeer Chow, and Candy Cane shaped Sugar Cookies. Yummy!